Tuesday, 19 July 2011

Cathiee McMillan Thief

Blog Sponsored By BSG Exodus


So here we go again, McVillans at it again.

McVillan has decided to merge his sim with BSG21.......wait? Merge with BSG21? thy so hated enemy?

March 19th we have Cat blog spewing more anti-BSG21 material out and then a few months later he's now best friends with BSG21, what's up with that?

Well here on Cathiee Blog we have the answer.

Cat Starts a Sim -> Sim Fails

No surprise there, but why the merge? well the answers simple.

Yevka Laws is well known for being deeply stupid, well stupid and good at throwing money away. I bet your starting to gauge the reason for Cats sudden change of tune.

That's right the reason behind the sudden change of tune FREE MONIES!!!

Cat will be milking Yevka for every cent and believe me it wont be difficult. Cat is just sitting there thinking of all of those cheese burgers he can buy, the only question is how long will it last? My guess would be until we start seeing Yevka looking like this:

Well heres to the merger, Enjoy the cheese burgers John!

O and In a Cathiee Blog Exclusive our photographers managed to get a snap shot of Cat celebrating the merger

Cathiee Blog Out :-)

Cat was asked for an official comment on our story but declined.


  1. No big surprise here, I remember when she tried to get BSGU Players to give her money for uniforms that she stole.

  2. I agree, none of the players want the merge to happen we all left BSG-21 for a reason. It's all about the money I guess Universe staff never really cared about the players.

  3. william it not just bout the moneies it all so bout avin more playas to mak stores work betta

  4. She's certainly a weasel!

  5. cath is sleeping with yev

  6. I agree with you that fat cow Cathiee is nothing but a trouble maker.
    "Praise Toca"


    Love you Charleston Capra my best sis.

  7. We did ban Doll and Cathiee from BSG-Exodus just like we got them removed from BSG-47.
    They are nothing but trouble just like the bitch Shayna Korobase. I still believe she stole stuff as well from BSG-Exodus builder its why I banned her originally from Exodus.
    BSG-21 is a crap roleplay sim that is why we have all the players coming from 21. We have all our admin team story tellers still in the group so we can keep tabs on what Doll and Cathiee will do in 21. We knew Bsg-U wouldn't last with Doll and Cathiee running it. It won't work in 21. Which is good for us.
    We got Skippy to screw 21 over now we will watch Cathiee and Doll screw 21.


  8. In response to Lillystar's post on the main exodus forums that the admins don't use their SL names anyplace else besides the bsg-exodus forums.





    Jedd Viper






    Leia Rossini




    So yes we told some fibs didn't we.
    So it is possible that we actually do post here!!!

  9. Yeah but that's different.

    We do post here but we're now a blog sponsor so you can ignore the notices.

  10. Lillystar we both know this is what Dollwife and Cathiee deserve they are nothing but ugly fat troublemaking bitches. We also know we can say stuff all we want about the cow Yevka too, We run the sims. Hell we banned them from BSG-21 orginally, BSG-47,BSG-Exodus, BSG-12 Colonies, and The Tocana Colonies.
    But like bad penny they keep coming back.
    Karma is a Bitch they get what the deserve.

    I will admit it, I am not afraid of Cathiee or Dollwife.

    Paxan Freck

  11. i make thinks 4 the sim this blog is good i glad we did make sponship cause then we can write in the blog bout felings and fings i member wen kathee did complan cause we ban from exodus

  12. Lillystar,

    Yea we really burned 21 with me being the Commanding Officer of the Viper Squadron.
    I got to complain all about the admins at the time and their story, while all the time i was recruiting people to get ready to come over and play in Exodus. I did a great job making Exodus the number one BSG sim and leading people over to it from 21. 99 will be the next BSG sim we need to plan out how to ruin.


  13. This blog is so great, We cylons of BSG-Exodus love that we have the best BSG sim and we can bring the others down so easily. Just Like we had in BSG-12 Colonies we will make Exodus the best sim when we beat the others down.
    Cathiee and Dollwife are nothing but fat trouble makers.
    Lets get out alts into 21 and 99 and bring those 2 sims down.


    Thanks for reading,
    Lillie Cordeaux

  14. Cathiee was caught trying to copybot our uniforms when we first opened.

    Jedd Viper
    BSG Exodus.

  15. Shayna Korobose is another person who steals and copybots from others.
    Shayna Stole BSG cylon gun from Mudlin. I wonder who she stole her Spanked skins from.
    see them here.

    Super Admin at BSG-Exodus

  16. Incorrect, whatever she said about us offsim notwithstanding, Cathiee has, to our knowledge, attempted no such thing. Perhaps you should occasionally try to include facts in your faked posts?

  17. Just points at Mads and laughs. "You really are this lame. I would pity you but I am having WAY to much fun watching your weak attempts at copy botting others styles of writing.it would be pathetic if not so amusing"

  18. thanks for warning about alts i will be sure to forward this to LL for a possible greif attack

  19. Someone or a number of individuals are very childish. Grow up and do something better with your lives.

  20. Hello,

    Although I don't have evidence as to whom this "Cathiee McVillan" is, although through my own investigation, I have narrowed it down to three people, I'll just refer to the person as the "identity thief" for the time being.

    More to the point, So Ms. McVillan, have you ever heard of the phrase, "Two wrongs do not make a right?"

    Whatever the "real" Cathiee McMillan did or didn't do, you have no right to post this kind of crap.

    All you accomplish by posting this is explaining how much hate you actually possess. It is mentally unhealthy to hate people. Instead of being the instigator and causing more drama, not to mention wasting your time by posting fake messages, which in essence makes you out to be nothing but a liar, which destroys any credibility you may have had to start with. Your time would be better served trying to make a difference and helping to stop the drama.

    It's all about helping because if your not part of the solution, then you are part of the problem and you are not worth the my time.

    Take some advice, go to your bedroom and take a long look in your mirror, and see if the person staring back at you is the person you want to be.

    It takes courage to change, the question becomes, what path will you chose? In the words of Cordeila Chase from Buffy the Vampire Slayer, "Get over yourself!"

    The choice is yours.

    These words are brought to you by,

    Hannah Kestrel
    Hanna Kestrel

    (P.S. Do yourself a favor and think before you even try to post fake messages, pretending to be me. You would suck at it.)

  21. Imitating people pro-tip: make sure theyre actually in the sim you claim theyre in or you make the fraud too obvious.

  22. i don't want to put my name as really I don't want to drag myself into childish drama.
    Whoever is posting as others names.. That's just sad.. It really is.. Grow up and get a life.

    BSG in SL.. we should all be thankful we have the opportunity to play it now and just live and let live on all the sims.. Stop trying to poach people or put others down. For at the end of the day we are meant to be having fun and enjoying BSG RP. Not act like little school children.

    An Adult who loves BSG RP and is tired of the stupid power games.
