Sunday, 26 December 2010

A Huge Thank You

I would like to take this opportunity to say a huge thank you to the BSG community in Second Life.

The overwhelming support we get through messages, emails and in world really helps.

Thank you everyone and have a Happy New Year!

Wednesday, 15 December 2010


Today I thought we would look at a couple of things, first off all the evidence about Cathiees copybotting.

Number 1
Identical uniforms to those that BSG47 had, in fact Linden Labs even confirmed to BSG-21 that the uniforms had in fact been copybotted.

Number 2
Cathiees ability to turn a no mod skin, modifiable and therefore able to add injuries.

Number 3
Cathiee gained full perm copies of BSG-U assets that were NEVER given to her, she then tried to send these assets out to other sims.

Next up

Why is Cathiee so fat?

I think Mc Millans been having a few too many Mc Fries.

One other item

I find it very interesting that only two people have bothered to defend Cathiee in anyway.

If this blog was about any other person there would be masses storming in to defend them.

While on that subject obviously we've had a lot of Cathiee alts posting, but here's a question alts.

Why would YOU hide your SL name? 

Why exactly would you be afraid to use your SL name when defending your friend? surely that would be something to boast about, not hide.

We all know the answer..........CATHIEE ALTS

I wonder if Fatty McMillan will actually have the guts to post as herself.

Monday, 13 December 2010

Mental disorder, or just horrible?

So my first blog post.

I've been thinking of starting a blog for a long time, after the BSG shut down of the past few months and Cathiee McVillans escapades esclating, I thought now would be a great time.

In todays post we are going to discuss a number of things:

1. Cathiee McVillan, mental disorder or just horrible?
2. Cathiee McVillan, 50 year old man, still living in Moms basement.
3. Yo Cathiee what's up with yo fat ass?

1. Cathiee McVillan, mental disorder or just horrible?

Cathiee seems to feel everyone else in the world is at fault, except her who is right about everything. She takes joy in the misery of others, now the question is.

Is this because Cathiee's mentally ill, or just nasty?

I have often pondered this, she does show some classical symptoms of being mentally ill, particularly her view that everyone in the world is at fault and she is correct. However this is not the only symptom, she seems to lack a basic understanding of human social skills and abilities which leads her to be confused about how to act around other people, often causing issues.

Cathiee seems to thrive on the misery of others, now this could lead us to believe she has a serious mental issue, but it also points a firm finger at her being just naturally nasty. To gain such joy in others misery is truly a sign of a very sick person.

I'll let you the reader, decide this for yourself.

2. Cathiee McVillan, 48 year old man, still living in his wives basement.

Numerous people have brought this up with me in the past, a lot of evidence has been brought forward and tonight ladies and gentlemen I can finally, in part thanks to a BSG sim giving away their real information.



That's right readers, here's the exclusives Cathiees RL identity. It took more digging, and a lot of time but we got it. I would like to give a special thanks to a certain website for providing the IP address.

3. Yo Cathiee what's up with yo fat ass?

I mean come on? edit appearance and just turn down the size of your ass already!

okay, that's all this post folks.